Let it live on

1 minute read


Legend upon legend born within her halls,
A legacy lies beneath those ancient walls,
A journey through time of glory and pride,
A home like no other those golden walls hide.

The school that nurtured youths to be fair men,
Men of virtue, men of success time and time again,
Taught of not just books to make dull pedants,
But of all one needs to make apt students,
To think to speak to play to win to lose,
To command to rise and to live by life’s rules.

The college so great for many a year did last,
Not a scar in its prowess just growth so vast,
Only stood thus with the care of its sons,
Its glory preserved by endless dedicated ones,
Who laid down all in the name of College,                                  
Died a hundred times to guard her esteemed prestige.

The precious treasure has been bestowed on us today,
Take all from her and grow and rise we may,
But give her back to make her live another day,
The great school for years more with not a loss must stay.

Her history is writ in gold but the future we must write,
The duty lies on each to take her to a greater height,
And unless it’s fulfilled to the best college may slowly fall apart,
Its traditions its nurturing its spirit shall soon from us depart.

The least any and all should always strive to do,
Is put discipline and good manner to the very fore,
The worthy gentleman is of much more honour,
For no good is the corrupt man void of manner.

And of course excellence in everything we do,
Will always keep high the flag of gold and blue,
To win with honour to shine college’s name,
Is the best to do to guard that pride and fame,
Never the mediocre but perfect in every possible way,
Do live up to the golden words Disce aut Discede.